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Scott Koeppel serves as the Village Administrator, overseeing the overall administration of the Village. His office formulates recommendations for the Village Board to consider and implements the policies and directives set by the Village President and the Village Board.

Services provided include:

  1. Executing Board policies and objectives, agendas, research, and intergovernmental relations;
  2. Formulating, monitoring, and coordinating communication programs;
  3. Responding to citizen requests for information and assistance;
  4. Developing programs that increase employee morale, motivation, and productivity and;
  5. Preparing the annual operating budget and multiyear Capital Improvements Program. Mr. Koeppel can be reached at 630-391-7205 or by e-mail at

The Office of the Village Clerk is responsible for maintaining all official Village records, attending and preparing minutes for all regular and executive sessions of Village Board meetings, recording documents with Kane County, and publishing all legal and bid notices. The Office of the Village Clerk also handles Village elections and liquor license applications.

Liquor License Application

Village of Sugar Grove Liquor Ordinance

The Village Clerk also serves as the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) official for the Village, processing all requests. The Clerk can be reached at 630-391-7200 or by e-mail at

Please note that when sending an email you should receive a reply within 3 working days.

You can submit a Citizen Request or ask a question using our online system 24 hours a day by clicking here. Requests made through the online system are tracked in a database to ensure proper follow-up and automatically notify the proper person or departments

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