Online Utility Bill Payment  - Click here for details           

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Village of Sugar Grove Resident Information


To view the following information as a PDF document, click here.


Frequently Asked Questions


Refuse, Recycling and Yard Waste Pick-up


Lakeshore Recycling Systems (LRS) provides weekly curbside garbage and recycling collection for Village residents only (not residents of the Prestbury community).  Scheduled pick-up days vary within the Village – please contact LRS at (844) 633-3577 to determine your pick-up day. The monthly charge is included on your water bill.


New residents may request Village utility and refuse services at


Citizen Action Line


The following holidays affect the refuse pickup schedule delaying pickup by one (1) day:


New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, & Christmas Day


All containers should be at the street by 5:30 a.m. on your pickup day. Residents are provided containers for recycling and refuse. The recycling container has a bright green lid and the refuse container has a dark green lid. Cardboard boxes may not be used as a container. In addition to refuse and recycling, one (1) large bulk item is allowed per week. Large Items include; furniture, carpet rolls, mattresses, box springs, toilets and some construction debris. Visit Large Items and Landscape Disposal for details.


For a list of recyclable items, click here.


Yard waste is collected weekly April 1st thru the last refuse pickup in November. All yard waste must be placed in biodegradable paper bags or in a rigid container no larger than 32 gallons, clearly marked “Yard Waste.” Brush and branches must be in bundles no longer than 4 feet and tied with biodegradable string or twine; no wire. Yard waste cannot contain any garbage, litter, rocks, sod or dirt.


Yard waste includes grass clippings, leaves, trimmings, branches and other material accumulated as the result of the care of lawns, shrubs and trees. Due to leaf decomposition, yard waste cannot be placed in plastic bags nor can it be placed out for regular waste pickup.


White Goods – WEEKLY PICK UP  – must schedule Thursday before pick-up
White Goods may be placed out weekly. Pick-up requests must be scheduled no later than the Thursday prior to the pick-up week. To schedule, send an email to Please include your name, address and phone number along with item to be collected. One “white good” is allowed per week. White goods is defined by the Illinois E.P.A. as refrigerators, ranges, water heaters, freezers, air conditioners, humidifiers, stoves, clothes dryers, ovens, dishwashers, water coolers, heat pumps, chiller, furnaces, and boilers. 


Electronics  – MONTHLY PICK UP – must schedule one week in advance
An electronics waste pick up must be scheduled online the week prior to the pickup at Electronics are collected the first full week of the month only. For the state definition of electronics, visit Electronics Recycling. Should you need to dispose your items of prior to the Village’s next collection, visit for Kane County drop-off locations and events.


Household Hazardous Waste  – QUARTERLY PICK UP – in the second full week of January, April, July and October – must schedule two weeks in advance
Collection scheduling must be completed in advance online at Items must be properly prepared and placed near your front door or porch area, or at the top of your driveway near the garage door. For a list of acceptable materials and how to properly prepare your materials, visit Household Hazardous Waste Collection.


Click here to view the 2023 Special Refuse Pickup and Service Request Dates.


For more Refuse Collection information, visit


Christmas Tree Collection
Collected thru the last refuse pickup in January. Must be free of all decorations (including tinsel). Flocked trees cannot be picked up. No trees in plastic bags. No trees longer than 6 feet (if larger must be cut into pieces 6 feet or smaller).


The Village of Sugar Grove bills residents for water usage. The Village also, in partnership with Fox Metro Water Reclamation District (FMWRD), provides water reclamation services. The Village provides sewer line and lift station maintenance, Fox Metro Water Reclamation District (FMWRD) provides wastewater treatment and bills separately for their service. The Village sends out utility bills once a month, Fox Metro bills every other month.


New residents may request Village utility and refuse services at Citizen Action Line or by calling 630-391-7202.


Utility Bill Payment Options


Village of Sugar Grove Utility bills include charges for water, sanitary sewer, road maintenance and refuse. Utility bills are always due on the 17th of each month. Should the due date fall on a weekend or a holiday, the payment shall be due on the following business day. Bills are considered delinquent if not paid on or before the 17th.


If you need to stop or start service or submit a temporary address change, please visit Citizen Action Line


Ways to Pay Your Utility Bill

You may pay your utility bill online:

Invoice Cloud is a user-friendly, electronic payment system available through the Village website that offers utility bill customers a variety of ways to pay bills.

  • Pay your utility bill anytime 24/7 via Invoice Cloud, an easy-to-use online payment portal at
  • Manage your account and view up to two years of payment history.
  • Receive email reminders when your bill is ready, when a scheduled payment is pending and a confirmation after making a payment.
  • Make a one-time payment or register to gain access to all features.
  • You choose when to pay – simply schedule a payment for any future date (before the due date).
  • Set it and forget it with AutoPay with additional payment options including credit/debit card, bank account, Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, Venmo - save time and avoid late or missed payments.
  • On the go? Use Pay by Text to get text notifications about your bill and have the option to pay through text message with your default payment method.
  • Make a payment by phone or check your account balance 24/7 through an automated phone service at (866) 307-3718.

Simply use your utility billing account number to access your invoices. No registration is required for “One Time Pay" or you may create an account to access all features. There are no added fees to utilize any of these payment features.

If you have any questions regarding the Invoice Cloud portal, please contact the Finance Department at (630) 391-7200 or you may email your questions to

Additional ways to pay your utility bill :

  • Pay in Person at Village Hall (credit, debit, cash or check) – 160 S. Municipal Drive, Suite 110, Sugar Grove, IL 60554.
  • Use our 24-hour Drop Box located in the parking lot outside the main entrance to Village Hall, next to the planter
  • Visit the Sugar Grove branches of 1st National Bank, First Secure, and Old Second.
  • Pay By Mail – Be sure to allow five days to assure crediting by the due date.
  • On-Line Banking thru your Financial Institution. When using your financial institutions banking option it can take up to 10 (ten) business days for a check to reach the Village. If you utilize on-line banking remember there can be delays, so schedule your payment accordingly.

Please note, PHONE PAYMENTS ARE ONLY ACCEPTED AT (866) 307-3718.

Accounts that have payments declined for Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) will be assessed a $35.00 NSF fee, per occurrence.


Village Policies & Restrictions


Overnight Parking
Parking is not allowed on Village streets between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. If you or a visitor to your home needs to park on a street overnight, you may request overnight parking online at Be prepared to leave the make, model, license, and color of the vehicle. If you do not have internet access, you may call the police department at 630-391-7270.


Parking Blocking Sidewalks
Parking is prohibited on a sidewalk or parkway. If any part of a vehicle is parked on a sidewalk, the owner can face a fine. If you have any questions, please contact the Sugar Grove Police Department at 630-391-7250.


Parking/Snow Removal After Snowfall
Motorists are prohibited from parking vehicles on any street when there is an accumulation of 2” of snow or greater, or if the roadway is being cleared/plowed. Residents are also prohibited from depositing snow in the streets as it can cause dangerous icing conditions and inhibit snow removal efforts. Residents are responsible for maintaining access to sidewalks and fire hydrants in front of their home.


Recreational Vehicle Parking
Campers, boats, utility trailers and etc. (vehicles) may only be parked in a side or rear yard of any zoning lot. To be parked in a side or rear yard vehicles must be on an improved surface – concrete, blacktop or paving stone. Vehicles, such as those described above, may be parked in the front yard driveway for a period not to exceed seventy-two (72) hours for the purpose of loading and unloading such vehicles within any given fourteen (14) day period.


Pet Regulations and Licensing
No dogs can be off the premises of their owners without a leash and under the control of a person physically able to control it. The Village allows no more than four (4) dogs or cats, or other household domestic animals over four (4) months of age, to be kept or in which more than two (2) such animals are boarded for compensation or kept for sale.


The Village does not license cats or dogs, however, anyone who keeps a dog or cat within the Village limits must maintain a current county license and rabies inoculation tag for each animal.


Garage Sales
Garage sales do not require a permit, however, they are limited to no more than four three-day events per 365-day period. No signs may be placed in any right-of-way, nor may they be affixed to any portion of any street sign or light.


Open Burning

Watering Restrictions


The Village of Sugar Grove’s watering restrictions are in effect year round. Watering hours are between 6:00 and 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 and 9:00 p.m. each day. Those with odd-numbered addresses may water on odd-numbered days; those with even-numbered addresses may water on even-numbered days. Hand sprinkling is permitted at all times.


If you will be watering sod, you may apply for a Sod Watering Permit. Sod Watering Permit The watering of sod is not allowed from July 1 through August 31.


Water Discounts for Excess Usage
Fox Metro Water Reclamation District offers a discount to residents who have watered new sod and/or filled a swimming pool. To request the discount, contact Fox Metro at 630-301-6881 after you receive your Fox Metro WRD bill that includes the excess usage. There are no discounts available for excess water usage on the Village of Sugar Grove Utility Bill. Regardless of what the water is used for all water & sewer maintenance charges apply.


More Information


For more information on general codes that may affect you, call the Village or view the Village Code at Sugar Grove.


Staying Informed about Your Community


The Village of Sugar Grove strives to effectively communicate information to our residents. To do so, we offer the following communication resources:


  • Village of Sugar Grove Website – Visit the official Village of Sugar Grove website at Sugar Grove for timely information on Village events and services. The webpage also allows visitors to easily sign-up to receive notifications from the Village.
  • Water Billing Notices – All water customers receiving water bills in the mail from the Village of Sugar Grove receive notices with their monthly bill. News and events regarding the Sugar Grove community are featured.
  • Quarterly Utility Bill Newsletters -In March, June, September and December a newsletter is included with the utility billed either in the mail or via email. The newsletter highlights upcoming events/projects and provides information on Village services. Also available online here.
  • Facebook – The Village of Sugar Grove is on Facebook at “Like” the page to get updates on Village events and other information.


Village Government – Public Meetings


The Village Board meets regularly on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Additional meetings are scheduled as needed, including Special, Emergency and Adjourned meetings.


The Planning Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals meets the third Wednesday of the each month at 7:00 p.m.


All meetings are held in the Board Room at Village Hall, 10 S. Municipal Dr. unless otherwise noted.


Agendas for all meetings are prepared the Friday preceding the meeting and are made available on the Village website, Sugar Grove. If you have any questions about the agenda, please call the office at 630-391-7200 during normal business hours (Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.).


The public is always welcome to attend Village meetings.


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