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When does the Village Board meet?
The Village Board meets regularly on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Village Board Room at Village Hall, 10 S. Municipal Dr. Additional meetings are scheduled as needed, including Special, Emergency and Adjourned meetings.
Meeting agendas are prepared the Friday preceding the meeting and are made available on the Village website at and are posted in the vestibule of the main entrance to Village Hall. If you do not have access to the web site, a copy of the agenda may be obtained from the Clerk’s Office by calling (630) 391-7206; copies are also available at the meeting.
Village Board meetings are formal business meetings and it is requested that the process and the individuals present be respected. Please refrain from private conversation during the meeting. Please turn cell phones to silent mode.
When can I speak during a meeting?
How do I know when a public hearing will take place?
From time to time, a Public Hearing is held on various issues facing the Village. Public Hearings are noticed in the Daily Herald, Aurora Beacon-News, or the Elburn Herald in the Legal Section. The Legal Section can be found at the beginning of the Classified Section of each newspaper. Take a moment when you are reading the paper(s) and glance at this section. Not only does the Village of Sugar Grove post notices in this section, but all other government agencies and municipalities must use this section (by state statute) when holding a Public Hearing or Advertising for Bid on a project. The Village always complies with state statutes for notice of pending annexations, zonings and bids. Notice of Public Hearings are also posted to the Village website.
Audience members are provided the opportunity to address the Board during a Regular Board meetings. The first, “Public Comment on Items Scheduled for Action”, takes place prior to any scheduled vote, and comment is limited to items to be voted on. The second opportunity, “Public Comment”, takes place at the end of the Regular Board meeting, and comment can be made on any issue. In addition, the Village President may allow comment during other portions of a Regular Board Meeting at his/her discretion.
Should a member of the audience desire to comment, all they need do when public comment is called for is raise their hand and wait to be recognized by the Village President. When recognized, they may address the Board. Board members will make every effort to respond to concerns at the meeting, however, in many cases additional research may need to be done.
What type of other meetings may take place?
Special Meetings
At times the Village Board may deem it necessary to hold a Special Meeting. A Special meeting must have at least a 48-hour notice and an agenda must be prepared. The Board may only discuss those items that are specifically listed on a Special Meeting agenda.
Adjourned Meetings
An adjourned meeting is a meeting that is continued from another Board meeting to a date specific and follows the same rules of procedures as a Regular Board Meeting.
Emergency Meetings
An emergency meeting is a Special Meeting called without the required 48-hour notice. An Emergency meeting deals with an emergency involving injury or damage to persons or property or the likelihood of such injury or damage, when the time requirement would make notice impractical and increase the likelihood of such injury or damage.
Regular Board Meeting Agenda Template
1. Item Explanation
5. Appointments and Presentations
6. Airport Report
7. Public Comment on Items Scheduled for Action
8. Consent Agenda
1. Approval: Minutes
2. Approval: Vouchers
3. Approval: Treasurer’s Report (*on the 2nd agenda of each month)
4. xxxxxxx: Other items*
Items that appear on the consent agenda shall be any items deemed appropriate for said consent agenda by the Village Board, staff or Village officers. Items may include any designated ordinances, orders, resolutions, or motions that appear on the agenda under General or New Business. At the request of any member of the Board, without a vote, any matter appearing on the consent agenda shall be removed from said agenda and moved to “general business” and shall be voted upon separately. For items appearing on the consent agenda, there is a single vote taken to approve the Consent Agenda and all Board members present must vote in the affirmative for the motion to be carried (approved). Therefore any item that a member does not wish to vote in the affirmative on said item must be removed from the consent agenda.
9. General Business
1. Ordinances: Title of Ordinance
2. Resolution: Title of Resolution
3. Approval: Item to be approved
10. Public Comment
11. Discussion Items
1. Ordinance/Resolution/Approval: Title
Items that are new in nature that need to be discussed. A vote may not be taken on Discussion items that are not specifically on the agenda.
12. Reports
1. Staff
2. Trustees
3. President
13. Closed Session: Exception to the Open Meeting Statement
14. Adjournment
160 S. Municipal Drive, Suite 110
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
P 630-391-7200 F 630-391-7210
Hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
10 S. Municipal Drive
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
P 630-391-7250 F 630-391-7266
Hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Community Development
601 Heartland Drive
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
P 630-391-7220 F 630-391-7245
Hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Public Works
601 Heartland Drive
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
P 630-391-7230 F 630-391-7245
Hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Economic Development
601 Heartland Drive
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
P 630-391-7240 F 630-391-7245
Hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
©2021 Sugar Grove