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Citizens’ access to information is important to the Village of Sugar Grove. As such, the Village endeavors to provide information in a convenient and timely manner. This page is intended to improve resident access to important information to better facilitate the decision making process that helps shape our community.


Additional information can be found on our website using the drop down menus or Search function. If you are unable to find the information you are looking for, please contact us at 630-391-7200.


Please use the following links to access information:


Village Board


Includes names, bios and contact information for Village of Sugar Grove Elected Officials

State of the Village

State of the Village presentations and links to videos.


Agendas, Minutes, Financials, Permits (see files below)


Includes Budgets, Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports (ACFR), Annual and Monthly Treasurer’s Reports, Union Contracts, Voucher Reports (all found in the Transparency folder), Agendas and Minutes for Village Board Meetings and Monthly Permit Summary Reports (under FOIA folder). For Agendas after 2020, click here .

Fiscal Year 2025 Budget at a Glance

The Village of Sugar Grove has released its Budget at a Glance for Fiscal Year 2025. This document provides an overview of key financial information, offering residents a clear and concise look at the Village’s budget.




Agendas October 2016 thru 2020

Permit Reports

Elected Officials and Sugar Grove Staff contact information

Directions on how to request information from the Village

Information on who the Village has an agreement with to distribute electricity and how to protect yourself from utility scams

Annual report

Link to Plan Commission/ZBA webpage with member list, agendas, and minutes

Link to the FY2025-2029 Village of Sugar Grove Capital Improvement Plan

Information complying with IL Public Act 97-0609

Link to prevailing wage schedules for each county in the state as ascertained by the Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL)

Calendar of Village Board, Plan Commission, Police Commission and Police Pension Board Meetings

Listen to audio recordings of Village Board Meetings

Information regarding Village efforts to create a Town Center development

Information including what a TIF is, why TIFs are used, how TIFs work and the history of TIFs in Illinois as well as specific information about current Sugar Grove TIFs including plans, minutes and annual reports

Links to documents describing the proposed Sugar Grove, LLC development at the intersection of I-88 and Sugar Grove Parkway (IL 47) including status updates (Crown Property).

Village of Sugar Grove Tax Rates and Fees, Zoning, Subdivision, Permit Fees and Other Land Improvement Charges, Major Revenue Sources, and Property Tax Information.

A list of the latest Bids and Requests for Proposals issued by the Village.

Planning policy to produce a safe and accessible transportation network.

Information on construction projects in and around the Village of Sugar Grove

Public Act 101-0504 requires IMRF (Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund) to post certain employer cost and participation information.

Links to Village newsletters


The Village of Sugar Grove has not had any direct lobbying contracts in the past five years.

The Village is a member of the Metro West Council of Government and the Illinois Municipal League, which may or may not lobby on issues on behalf of the Village.

Metro West Council of Government

5 E. Downer Place, Suite E

Aurora, IL 60505


Member Since: 2004
Annual Membership Fee: $3,500

Illinois Municipal League

500 East Capitol Avenue

Springfield, Illinois 62701


Annual Membership Fee: $925

Village of Sugar Grove Social Media Sites


Village news, services and events


Village Board Meeting recordings

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