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Section No. 23-00034-00-RS - Preliminary Plans
The Village of Sugar Grove is seeking a qualified Consulting Engineering Firm to perform construction engineering services for the Village’s Main Street Resurfacing project.
The Consulting Engineer shall perform and carry out, in a professional and satisfactory manner, the necessary services to complete the requirements included in this project. Currently, the Village anticipates construction for this work starting in July of 2024 and construction being completed by the end of August.
The services to be provided are described in the Minimum Scope of Services section of this proposal. All work must adhere to Village of Sugar Grove and Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) standards as required. In addition, this project will be funded using Federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) funding; therefore, all construction and construction engineering must meet Federal and IDOT standards.
This project includes the milling and resurfacing of FAU 3899 (Main Street) from 700’ N of IL Route 47 to Cross Street. The total length of this project is 2,247 feet (0.426 miles). Other improvements include portland cement concrete sidewalk removal and replacement, combination concrete curb and gutter removal and replacement, structure adjustments, pavement marking, culvert removal and replacement, roadway signage and all other appurtenant work required to complete the project.
The Phase III portion of this project is funded by Federal and local sources. The selection of the consultant will follow the Qualifications Based Selection (QBS) process in accordance with Section 5-5 of the Bureau of Local Roads and Streets (BLRS) Manual.
The consultant shall provide the resident engineer, inspectors, professional testing services and other technical personnel necessary to review, observe, monitor and document the contractor’s progress on the project from the start of field operations to the final completion. All work is to be performed according to the general industry engineering standards established by IDOT.
The consultant and sub-consultants are expected to complete construction inspection services in accordance with, but not limited to, the following general tasks:
Preconstruction Tasks
1. Attend an IDOT preconstruction meeting with all interested parties to discuss goals, objectives, and issues.
2. Conduct a local preconstruction meeting with all interested parties to discuss goals, objectives, and issues that the Village may have. Meeting minutes shall be submitted to the Village for review and approval.
3. Review the plans and specifications in depth, verifying quantities, elevations, and dimensions relevant to the project. Also, anticipate any potential conflicts or issues and develop solutions prior to construction.
4. Review the contractor’s proposed construction schedule for compliance with the contract. Submittals should be included on this schedule, as well as all major subcontractors.
5. Set up field books, quantity books, diary, job box and all other forms of proper project documentation, including CMMS.
6. Prepare a project contact list with names, addresses, phone numbers and fax numbers for all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers for the project. Also, submit 24-hour contact numbers for all applicable parties.
Construction Tasks
1. Provide a resident engineer for required daily activities, such as: observing the progress and quality of work and determining if the work is proceeding in accordance with the contract documents. Maintain a site presence at all times when the contractor is working. Disapprove any work failing to conform to the contract documents and immediately inform Village and IDOT representatives. Verify that there are no deviations from the contract documents unless authorized by the Village and IDOT representatives.
2. Keep inspector’s daily reports and quantity book records up to date. Also maintain project diary noting all necessary observations. Advise if the contractor is falling behind schedule. Submit weekly reports from CMMS to IDOT and the Village.
3. Maintain orderly files of all relevant project documents so that they can be easily accessed.
4. Perform quantity measurements to prepare pay estimates and change orders to review with contractor and submit to the Village for review and submittal to IDOT.
5. Provide liaison functions related to the coordination of contractors, utilities, developers, other agencies and property owners engaged or affected by the project.
6. Check and approve project submittals for compliance with standards. Forward recommendations to the Village and IDOT representatives.
7. Maintain daily contact with contractor to monitor schedule and recommend actions that should be taken if falling behind.
8. Maintain daily contact with the Village and IDOT representatives to inform on all relevant project information.
9. Inspect, document and inform the contractor and the Village of the adequacy of the establishment and maintenance of traffic control. Perform all necessary traffic control checks. Document all deficiencies and contractor responses to notices of the same. Inform Village and IDOT of deficiencies and if the contractor does not correct or enforce as contract stipulates.
10. Provide construction layout as needed.
11. Provide Quality Assurance (QA) services in accordance with IDOT QC/QA practices and procedures (contractor will provide QC). Provide necessary coordination and qualified personnel to perform work for all materials. Obtain and test soil, asphalt, concrete and aggregate samples to perform necessary testing to fulfill QA/geotechnical requirements. Reports shall be prepared in a timely manner and coordinated with QC data. The consultant shall fulfill the requirements as the QA manager.
12. Prepare minutes for all meetings and distribute to appropriate parties.
13. Maintain a set of working drawings as construction is progressing.
14. Provide all necessary equipment, instruments, supplies, transportation and personnel required to perform duties of the project team.
15. Maintain and periodically transmit to contractor a running punch list to expedite project close out.
16. Obtain material acceptance certifications as materials are incorporated into the project to expedite project closeout. Withhold payment until material inspection and certifications are provided.
17. Provide the Village with regular invoicing and provide supporting documentation as requested in order for the Village to submit for reimbursement in accordance with Section 5-10 of the Bureau of Local Roads and Streets Manual.
Post Construction Tasks
1. Perform final inspection with the Village, the IDOT representative, contractor and all applicable utilities to finalize punch list. Document the items in the final punch list and submit them to the contractor for close out. Verify completion of all work and provide a recommendation to the Village.
2. Complete a contractor performance evaluation and conduct a post construction meeting with all interested parties to discuss lessons learned and identify steps to eliminate problems in the future.
3. Verify that all documentation is accomplished and that all material inspections and certifications have been accounted for and are complete.
4. Provide all documentation associated with the final balancing change order and final pay estimate.
5. Complete job box and conduct all audit(s) with IDOT. The job box will remain property of the Village.
6. Close out project with IDOT within a reasonable time frame after all construction is completed.
Please submit two (2) hard copies and one (1) digital copy of your firm’s qualifications for services by 3:00 PM Friday, January 5, 2024. The digital copy should be in PDF format on a flash drive. Questions related to this RFQ should be submitted by email to Brian L. Schiber, P.E.: All questions must be received by 3:00 PM on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. The Village will provide the final response to all consultants by 3:00 PM on Wednesday, January 3, 2024.
The statement of qualifications (SOQ) should be mailed or hand delivered in a sealed envelope marked “Village of Sugar Grove – Main Street Resurfacing - Construction Engineering Services SOQ” to Brian L. Schiber, P.E., Village Engineer, 10 South Municipal Drive, Sugar Grove, IL 60554.
All submittals must be thorough, complete and accurate. A table of contents and sectional tabs should be provided for all submittals.
Submittals shall include:
1. Firm Information
A title page that includes the following information: name of firm, local address, telephone number, fax number, name of contact person, location of branch offices, if any, and states in which your firm is licensed to practice. Additional general firm information can be provided but is limited to four pages (single sided).
2. IDOT Pre-Qualifications
As a prequalification of submittal, all prime consultants must be pre-qualified by IDOT and must submit documentation of their current prequalification status for the following:
· Highways – Roads and Streets
· Special Services – Construction Inspection
3. Sub-Consultants
List sub-consultants, if any, that will be used. Provide a copy of the firm’s current prequalification status with IDOT.
4. Project Team
Provide biographical data and experience on key professional members of the firm(s) who could be directly involved with this particular project. Each resume should be limited to two pages (single sided). The key personnel should include the following:
· Project Manager who will be responsible for coordinating all activities. Must be a Licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Illinois with Phase III experience. Maximum one (1) person listed.
· Resident Engineer who will be responsible for overseeing all construction engineering activities and have a current certificate for IDOT’s “Documentation of Contract Quantities”.
· Construction Engineer(s) who will be responsible for assisting the Resident Engineer and have a current certificate for IDOT’s “Documentation of Contract Quantities”.
· Any sub-consultants that will be part of the project team
· Any additional staff that will be involved in Federally funded projects. Maximum one (1) person listed.
5. Similar Project Experience
Provide three recent examples of projects within the last five years that were federally funded or similar in nature to this project. Include a description of each project, including location, client, and scope of professional services delivered by your firm and the project team that staffed the project (project manager, resident engineer, inspector(s), etc.), duration of the project, and project cost. Project experience is limited to three pages (single sided).
The selection criteria and weightings for project selection are indicated below:
1. Firm Experience (30%). The entity’s general experience, stability and qualifications related to similar federally funded Phase III projects and locally funded projects of similar nature.
2. Staff Capabilities (30%). The education, experience and expertise of the entity’s principals and key employees. Qualifications and experience of personnel to perform the required observation and inspection of project in accordance with general industry engineering standards established by IDOT.
3. Past Performance (30%). The entity’s history of performance on projects similar to the one under consideration.
4. Local presence (10%). Knowledge of local community
A selection committee comprised of staff from the Village will evaluate the SOQ’s. The SOQ’s will be reviewed, evaluated and scored, using the criteria and weights defined above. The selected consultant will be notified, and a final scope and hours will be negotiated. The engineering agreement will be Cost Plus Fixed Fee format using the BLR 05530 form. The selected consultant shall also submit draft BC 775 and BC 776 (if needed) forms for review with the draft BLR 05530.
The Village will begin reviewing the SOQ’s on Monday, January 8, 2024. The Village intends to have negotiations completed and all of the draft forms (BLR 05530, BC 775, BC 776 (if needed)) submitted by January 16, 2024.
The engineering agreement will not be presented to the Village Board until after the agreement is reviewed by IDOT. IDOT will review the engineering agreement to verify elements of the contract costs, acceptable indirect cost rate(s) for application to contracts and assuring consultant compliance with the Federal cost principles. Approval of the engineering agreement is subject to IDOT review and eventual approval by the Village Board.
160 S. Municipal Drive, Suite 110
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
P 630-391-7200 F 630-391-7210
Hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
10 S. Municipal Drive
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
P 630-391-7250 F 630-391-7266
Hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Community Development
601 Heartland Drive
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
P 630-391-7220 F 630-391-7245
Hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Public Works
601 Heartland Drive
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
P 630-391-7230 F 630-391-7245
Hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Economic Development
601 Heartland Drive
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
P 630-391-7240 F 630-391-7245
Hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
©2021 Sugar Grove