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For Immediate Release:
February 7, 2024
Sugar Grove, IL - The Village of Sugar Grove's Village Board advanced recommendations to enhance intersection safety and traffic flow at Park Avenue and IL 47 by submitting their recommendations to IDOT.
“With these long-awaited safety improvements, this project makes this area safer for everyone on the roads,” said Village of Sugar Grove President Jennifer Konen. “We are happy to see these improvements moving forward at this busy intersection and we remain committed to evaluating and advocating for increased safety on our roadways.”
The recommended improvements include measures such as prohibiting through movements across IL 47 and left turns from Park Avenue, installing raised medians or islands on Park Avenue, and enhancing signage and pavement markings to encourage safer driving behavior. These proposed changes aim to improve safety and traffic flow by reducing certain high-risk movements while encouraging more controlled and safe driving behavior.
The recommendations stem from a Traffic Study conducted by HRGreen, which studied the history of serious crashes at the intersection and determined most crashes involve vehicles from Park Avenue crossing or turning left onto IL 47. It found the heavy traffic volumes and high speeds on IL 47 make entry gaps infrequent, causing driver frustration, which can lead to unsafe decisions. This also creates long delays on Park Avenue, causing congestion and poor traffic conditions.
Should IDOT approve the recommendations, the project’s next phase would involve the preparation of detailed engineering to support a construction permit. Given that IL 47 is a State Highway, the project will require a permit from IDOT's Bureau of Traffic. The estimated budget for engineering and construction is approximately $235,000. For more information on the plan and HRGReen’s study, visit our website
Media Contact:
Meredith Krantz
(630) 947-2385
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Sugar Grove, IL 60554
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